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Guidelines for Posting Jobs

These guidelines are designed to help you understand how to post and what is allowed on Recareer. We encourage you to report any job listings that violate our guidelines. We review these reports and take action if necessary. Keep in mind that these guidelines don't cover every possible issue.

We reserve the right to remove any job listing that doesn't meet our guidelines or is otherwise deemed inappropriate. We may also block the job poster's account upon repeated violations.

This guideline was last reviewed on 08 October 2023.

How to post new jobs

You can post a job by clicking on the โ€œPost a new jobโ€ button on the top right corner of the page. You will be redirected to a page where you can fill in the details of the job you want to post.

The fields are self-explanatory and have help-text, however, if you need any help, you can contact us at and we will be happy to help you. Once you have filled in all the details, you can click on the โ€œPostโ€ button to post the job. You will be redirected to the job's page where you can see the details of the job you just posted and can edit it if you want.

When posting a new job, all job seekers who are subscribed to the given benefits, skills and tags will be notified. Please keep this in mind when posting a new job, and do not set the benefits, skills and tags to something that is not relevant to the job just to reach more job seekers. Such jobs will may be deactivated.

Also, job listings that posted in name of another company without their consent are not allowed. If you are a recruiter, you must have the consent of the company you are posting the job for.

Protecting children

We don't allow job listings that promote sexual services or seek employees for jobs of a sexual nature. This includes jobs that involve nudity, erotic dancing, escort services, adult telephone conversations, and other activities that may be interpreted as sexual in nature.

The main reason for this is that we want to protect children and teenagers from sexual predators and inappropriate content. We also want to protect our users from inadvertently visiting job listings that are not appropriate for them.

We may allow job listings for jobs that involve sexual content if the job is not intended for or targeted at minors and is not otherwise prohibited by law. For example, we may allow job listings for jobs in the adult entertainment industry if the job is for a non-sexual role, such as a software developer at a company that produces adult entertainment content.

Illegal activities

We don't allow job listings that promote illegal activities, such as jobs that involve the sale of illegal drugs or stolen goods. We also don't allow job listings that promote illegal activities that may lead to physical harm or property damage to people or animals.